Always Kabhi Khabi,Kabhi Kabhi always said that under a successful director Roshan Abbas, the play "writings", written and directed way back in 1999.
The story revolves around the lives of four teenagers in high school - also known as Samir Sam, also known as Aishwarya Aishu / Aisha, aka Tariq Einsten, Nandini, known issues RIA in the last year in St. Marks, and an entire school of looking good, dressed students professors about the romantic dance funny how Das (Lilette Dubey), and Professor Agarwal agricultural practice (Vijay Raaz), skirts the end of the Girl in the knee and Romeo and Juliet is still a very important chapter in the row.
Sam, coolest dude in school, and who lives with shortcuts to fall in love with Aisha, a new entrance to school, and as always, you can expect obstacles in the story of their love. There is a love story between the rebels established a parallel angry youth, rheas, and Einsten cute nerd. All parents are angry. In short, the story is how the four small screw their lives, and reach the top, and family problems, so that their dreams and aspirations are conflicting.
In the first half of the film is dull and boring, while the latter has a peak flashy. The film is all about, Wei, a young genre, full of dreams, friendship, love, crushes, and the pressure of parents, and life on campus, flirting, etc. etc. This movie is a message to everyone in the end, especially for parents.
Although the film is what it is, in fact, was a desperate attempt to look young, although the dialogue and radical one, and the taste of youth. All-star cast in their parts beautifully and can be classified higher than average. Fortunately there was not any movement.
The story revolves around the lives of four teenagers in high school - also known as Samir Sam, also known as Aishwarya Aishu / Aisha, aka Tariq Einsten, Nandini, known issues RIA in the last year in St. Marks, and an entire school of looking good, dressed students professors about the romantic dance funny how Das (Lilette Dubey), and Professor Agarwal agricultural practice (Vijay Raaz), skirts the end of the Girl in the knee and Romeo and Juliet is still a very important chapter in the row.
Sam, coolest dude in school, and who lives with shortcuts to fall in love with Aisha, a new entrance to school, and as always, you can expect obstacles in the story of their love. There is a love story between the rebels established a parallel angry youth, rheas, and Einsten cute nerd. All parents are angry. In short, the story is how the four small screw their lives, and reach the top, and family problems, so that their dreams and aspirations are conflicting.
In the first half of the film is dull and boring, while the latter has a peak flashy. The film is all about, Wei, a young genre, full of dreams, friendship, love, crushes, and the pressure of parents, and life on campus, flirting, etc. etc. This movie is a message to everyone in the end, especially for parents.
Although the film is what it is, in fact, was a desperate attempt to look young, although the dialogue and radical one, and the taste of youth. All-star cast in their parts beautifully and can be classified higher than average. Fortunately there was not any movement.
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